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3D Carved Christmas Sleigh

501 opens
242 copies
Katie Cleveland

Project by

Katie Cleveland

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Learn how to carve this 3D sleigh using the included Easel project. This sleigh is great for holding gifts under the tree, or you can even make it into a gift basket to give.

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Material Description Price
Carbide Tip Straight 2 Flute - 1/8 in Cutting x 1/8 in Shank

Carbide Tip Straight 2 Flute - 1/8 in Cutting x 1/8 in Shank

Quantity: 1, Shank Diameter: 1/8 in, Cutting Diameter: 1/8 in


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from Inventables


Carve the Sleigh Pieces

60 minutes

Follow the YouTube tutorial to carve the pieces for the sleigh using the Easel project file.

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Peter Willson
This is really neat! Looks like the ski's are backwards for the orientation of the sled.
Peter Willson
Germanly Irish
@Peter I thought maybe I was the only one who noticed that part as well. Cute project, but id put the bottom facing the other way in my own projects.
Germanly Irish