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3D Sandia Mountains Carve

Chris LaFleur

Project by

Chris LaFleur

General Information

This is my first prototype of a 3D carve from a topographical map. This one is in pine and I learned a lot from a few mistakes. The goal is to carve them in walnut.

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Mattison Donaldson
What program did you use to get the topographic map? I'm having trouble finding one for a school project.
Mattison Donaldson
Mary Scheske
This is completely amazing. Is there any way I could buy one from you?
Mary Scheske
hey mattison, may have figured it out already but i use this website
Sayf Khidir
Super cool. Few questions... -What size bit did you use? -Did you import this as an SVG? Or did you bring it into Fusion360 or other 3d software and export the G-Code from there?
Sayf Khidir
Chris LaFleur
Hi- I did two passes- the first cut with a 1/2 inch bit. The second pass with a 1/8 inch ball mill. I captured the stl file from the website above and imported that into MeshCam. That’s where I set up the bits and paths. I export each pass from there in gcode and then into Easel.
Chris LaFleur