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6 x 12 Cutting Board Template

3641 opens
1151 copies
John McWhirter

Project by

John McWhirter
Chicago, USA

General Information

A template for making cutting or serving boards. Makes a great gift when personalized with an inlay.

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Material Description Price
Gorilla Wood Glue

Gorilla Wood Glue

Gorilla Wood Glue - 4 oz

Hard Maple

Hard Maple

6" × 12" × 1/16" Hard Maple




6" × 12" × 1/2" Walnut

Wood Finishing Kit

Wood Finishing Kit

Sanding block, 16 oz bottle of food-safe wood oil and cotton application cloth don't use 2

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from Inventables


Check out the Easel Live video!

30 minutes

We designed inlay cutting boards live in Easel.

If you make an inlay cutting board, post it here on the forum!


Choose cutting board template

1 minute

To make a cutting board in the shape featured in the pictures above, click the “Open in Easel” button.

Here are a few other templates

Rustic Cutting Board with Handle Template

Rectangle cutting board template


Design the Inlay

5 minutes

Choose the design you would like to use.

Once you have the design you would like. Select the design and click “Apps” than click the “Inlay” app.

The Inlay App will display both the pocket and insert part of the inlay. Choose the bit diameter you would like to use. The tolerance controls how tight the inlay will fit. Too tight, and it will be very hard to fit in, and too loose will show gaps between the insert and the pocket. We like to use a tolerance of .002".

Import the design.


Create cut files

5 minutes

When you import the design you will the original design, and the pocket and insert. You will want to delete or hide (turn to white) the original design and only use the imported pocket and insert.

Create a copy of this project by selecting “File” → “make a copy”

Make one file for the pocket and cut out of the thick piece of wood. And make the second file for the thin insert. Make sure the enter the correct material dimensions.


Cut and assemble!

20 minutes

Cut out the files. Sand the insert and pocket lightly to get rid of any burs on the edges. Test to make sure the inlay will fit, if the fit is very tight, do not insert all the way before glueing!

Put some wood glue in the pockets and place the inserts in the pockets. I found it easiest to put a piece of clear plastic on the top of the insert and use my body weight to press the insert into place.

When the insert is as flush as possible, wait for the glue to dry.

Once the glue is dry, Sand the board to your liking and use the Mineral oil to give the board a shiny and finished look.

The mineral oil will keep the wood from cracking over time and is food safe :D

Rustin Webster
I just got my Carvey this week and my wife will love one of these for Christmas. Looking forward to the show.
Rustin Webster
Charlie Tighe
What bits would you recommend for cutting out your material?
Charlie Tighe
Jonas Rullo
Here's one I made with the HDPE type cutting board. If you're not sure of the depth on pieces, turn the glued up board, inlay side down, and then step on it from the back.
Jonas Rullo
Lorenzo Cruz
I want that one
Lorenzo Cruz
Rich Davenport
So if I went from a tolerance of .02 to .03 would it be tighter fitting or looser?
Rich Davenport
Dan Seay
What is a good material to practice with?
Dan Seay
Shane Barge
I am new to easel, but followed video on another computer while trying to make a tex inlay cutting board. However, the apps library has inlay generator in the featured not like yours shows with the leaf. Also it wants me to select a shape and wont let me go any further??? Please help! TIA
Shane Barge
Donald Rawlins
Thank you so much. Good stuff on here. Great teacher.
Donald Rawlins
Zamir bernshtein
can EASEL work with more 3d printers/carving cnc machines in the future like snapmaker?
Zamir bernshtein
Daniel Connell
Is there away to set up the inlay generator with a V bit option?
Daniel Connell
So maybe its because this is an older video but I don't have web image search, facebook, Instagram, or google drive as an option. I'm currently using this in 09/2021 and it's just web search, link, take photo. It only brings up photos, there are no flat 2D images and no option to see more images.
George Decker
when i import my project it comes bck smaller why
George Decker
Douglas Dennison
The generator says "You do NOT need to set the cutout to outside." Does that mean BEFORE creating the inlay components? You have to set it to outside when you do the actual cut, right?
Douglas Dennison
Randall Hummel
how do you invert the colors for inlays. I want the black to be white and the white to be black
Randall Hummel