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A Better Scrabble Board

David Burrell - Neo7CNC

Project by

David Burrell - Neo7CNC
Greenwood, USA

General Information

After several interruptions in our Scrabble games during family game night, I designed a game board that has pockets for the letter tiles. Now the occasional board bump or dog walking over the game (really happened) doesn’t ruin the flow of the game. Additional info at

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Material Description Price
Birch Plywood

Birch Plywood

Solid Carbide Downcut Fish Tail Spiral Bit

Solid Carbide Downcut Fish Tail Spiral Bit

1/32" Downcut Fish Tail Carving Bit


Solid Carbide Downcut Fish Tail Spiral Bit

Solid Carbide Downcut Fish Tail Spiral Bit

1/8" Downcut Fish Tail Carving Bit


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from Inventables

Johnie Lambert
can you upload the file for easel?
Johnie Lambert
Sandy Banker
Can you share an svg
Sandy Banker
Sandy Banker
Can you share a svg file
Sandy Banker