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A decent sized 3D printer

Paul Kim

Project by

Paul Kim

General Information

A fairly large 3D printer made with makerslides, aluminum extrusions, acrylic, and 3D printed parts.

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Material Description Price
Aluminum Extrusion (20mm x 40mm) - Clear

Aluminum Extrusion (20mm x 40mm) - Clear (×2)

Length: 1500 mm


Black Acrylic Sheet

Black Acrylic Sheet

Dimensions: 18 in × 24 in, Thickness: 1/4 in

Black PLA 3D Printer Filament

Black PLA 3D Printer Filament

Type: Filament, Diameter: 1.75 mm, Material: PLA, Color: Black, Shade: Black, Spool Weight: 1 kg, 3D Printer Compatibility: RepRap

Dual Bearing V-Wheel Kit

Dual Bearing V-Wheel Kit

Type: Wheels dont use 3, Qty: 20 Pack dont use 3

MakerSlide - Black Anodize - 5M Tapped

MakerSlide - Black Anodize - 5M Tapped (×2)

Length: 1800mm - 2012 - 2019

MakerSlide Tapping Kit

MakerSlide Tapping Kit

Contents: Kit includes tapping handle, M5 × 0.8mm tap, 11/64" jobber drill bit and cutting fluid, Type: Accessories

MXL Belting - Open Ended

MXL Belting - Open Ended (×15)

Pitch: 0.08 in, Width: 0.25 in, Length: 12 in (shipped uncut if more than 1' is ordered)

Plastic MXL Pulley - Dual Flange

Plastic MXL Pulley - Dual Flange (×6)

Bore: 5 mm, Teeth: 18

Stepper Motor - NEMA 17

Stepper Motor - NEMA 17 (×5)

Lead Time: In stock, Holding Torque: 62 oz/in

Stepper Motor Cable

Stepper Motor Cable (×10)

Length: 1 ft, Category: Accessory, Type: Cable

White Acrylic Sheet

White Acrylic Sheet

Color: White, Cut Tolerance: +/- 1/8 in, Dimensions: 18 in × 24 in, Opacity: Opaque, Surface Finish: Glossy, Thickness: 1/4 in, Thickness Tolerance: +/- 8%

This project's Bill of Materials is not complete.

from Inventables

R. Shane Raney
What are you using for the extrusion head?
R. Shane Raney
Paul Kim
The nozzle is called the budaschnozzle, it is not as popular as some other nozzles but it is so far very reliable. since it is a open source design a number of vendors carry them, including Amazon but make sure you're getting the one with the right filament size.
Paul Kim
John Lewis
Paul, the printer looks great. I have a few questions: 1. Can you give me an idea of the quality of print? 2. Is it still in active use? 3. Have you modofied it since the original post? 4. Is this a reprap variant? 5. What software / hardware combo are you using? Thanks, JHL
John Lewis
ken fowler
ken fowler
1. Can you give me an idea of the quality of print? 2. Is it still in active use? 3. Have you modified it since the original post? 4. Is this a reprap variant? 5. What software / hardware combo are you using?
Genny Swiss
I have always been a Lot excited about the 3D printers. Finally, I got the opportunity to go through this post. But One thing to ask Can we follow if the user faces any errors while using it?
Genny Swiss