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Alignment Clamp Boards

69 opens
40 copies
Gregory A Bailey

Project by

Gregory A Bailey

General Information

Good for alignment and clamping 0f material up to about .75". There is an optional 2nd carve tab for the reverse side of 1 to 4 boards, for securing .25" material. Square up the bottom/left clamp boards and secure the boards with blue clamp bolts and plastic clamps.

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Drew Kasel
Great design and description ... but so you're aware you did not share it in a way that others can open it (if that was your intention).
Drew Kasel
Gregory A Bailey
Thanks for letting me know, i have never posted before. I will try to figure it out, I want people to be able to use it.
Gregory A Bailey
Gregory A Bailey
please let me know if it still doesn't work.
Gregory A Bailey