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All gave some, Some gave all

176 opens
70 copies
Da Vid Jimenez

Project by

Da Vid Jimenez
Dinwiddie, USA

General Information

Served with some great Brothers that never made it home, Made this for them, I used a 3/4 hardwood and 1/4 birch plywood. It really came out nice

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Todd Carpenter
Where can I find the cut pattern for the rifle overlay? Thanks! Great design.
Todd Carpenter
Da Vid Jimenez
Todd If you open it on easel on the bottom left corner you will see Workpieces for " All gave some, Some gave all" click on the little arrows and you will see the rifle overlay
Da Vid Jimenez
I am a still serving vet I would love to find this workpiece
Da Vid Jimenez
Mc hit me up @
Da Vid Jimenez