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Balancing Wine Bottle Holder

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1443 downloads 8 comments
Beyond Design

Project by

Beyond Design
Chicago, Illinois

General Information

A faceted design to hold and present your favorite bottle of wine.

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6" × 12" × 3/4" Walnut


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balance wine faceted.STL


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Mill 3D form

For this cut you will need to use double sided tape to secure the 3/4" material to the platform as the gcode was set up without any tabs. Use an 1/8" ballnose endmill for the best surface finish.

Use this EASEL link


Mill any logo or customization

Before removing the design from the platform you can change to an engraving bit and inscribe your own logo or name onto the top flat surface. I would recommend aligning it to the bottom right corner for a nice balanced aesthetic.


Sand angle for balance

For this design getting the angle perfect is everything. Instead of milling the angle I took it over to our belt sander. This let me set the angle and make minor adjustments to tune in the perfect balance. I found that 42 degrees worked really well.


Finish with oil

Sand any rough edges and finish with mineral oil. Let it dry and its ready to go!

Bob Jewell
These can be made in all shapes: The trick that I have found is that the base should be cut at 45 degrees and the hole 7 inches from the base
Bob Jewell
Paul Kaplan
This is awesome. How long does it take to mill those tapered edges?
Paul Kaplan
Beyond Design
I didnt record the exact time. But it probably took an hour or so for the main cut
Beyond Design
karthik reddy
karthik reddy
Angie Williams
Is it possible to use this file in VCarve instead of easel?
Angie Williams
Rich Ruggeri
every time i import it into easel i can only hit CARVE i would like to add something to it but easel only lets me view it in simulate mode whit no ability to view detailed mode or change settings or add anything to it
Rich Ruggeri
Rich Ruggeri
I can import all of your other posted samples fine except for Bamboo Dish
Rich Ruggeri
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