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Batman Style Rubber-band Gun

176 opens
57 copies
Dali Lomo

Project by

Dali Lomo

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3 minutes

short intro timelpase video in 3 minutes


Long Video

this is a full video on how to put together the wooden rubberband gun

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Dali Lomo
please comment, thanks!
Dali Lomo
kory kendall
could you make this public, my kids are going nuts trying to make this.
kory kendall
Dali Lomo
Hi Kory, it is public if you mean easel file, if you talking about PDF, check my blogspot now, enjoy!
Dali Lomo
Tristan Cockerell
yo you got a penis in your blue prints
Tristan Cockerell
Chad Janey
Says it has not been made public when trying to click Open With Easel :(
Chad Janey
Dali Lomo
@Chad i just updated the link, please try again
Dali Lomo
Nicholas Win
Does this count as a grapple gun and if so can a grappling hook be added to this
Nicholas Win
Phillip Wroblewski
When I click open in easel, I’m only getting a couple of pieces and not the whole layout. Am I missing something?
Phillip Wroblewski
Phillip Wroblewski
Never mind, I’ve seen the error of my ways. I had the bottom section minimized from when I was working on another project. Thank you for the upload, we are looking forward to the build.
Phillip Wroblewski
Dali Lomo
@Phillip Wroblewski no problem, enjoy!
Dali Lomo
Shua Bugay
Omg I love guns!
Shua Bugay