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David Picciuto

Project by

David Picciuto
Toledo, USA

General Information

I show a technique how to make this sign and keep all the small pieces properly spaced. This technique can be used with any CNC projects that involve small pieces where alignment is key.

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Making a Sign While Keeping All the Pieces Aligned

I show a technique how to make this sign and keep all the small pieces properly spaced. This technique can be used with any CNC projects that involve small pieces where alignment is key.


Clamp Down the Material

I prefer to use double sided tape. (See video above for complete explanation)


Reverse and Cut

Reverse your artwork and cut it out on the X-Carve. Be sure to not use tabs and don’t cut all the way through. (See video above for complete explanation)


Glue Up

Now add glue to the pieces you want to keep and clamp it down to your canvas. (See video above for complete explanation)


Sand Away

Once the glue dries sand until your artwork is revealed. (See video above for complete explanation)

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Ryan Parish
This is nice, David! I've been using the tabs feature to cut acrylic letters, but its hard to get them out without cracking. I like your drum sander method, but I don't know that it will work with acrylic.. I'm a big fan of your YouTube channel, but you should post more projects on here as well!
Ryan Parish
David Picciuto
Thanks Ryan! Yeah, I'm not sure if the drum sander will play nice with acrylic. I've got a bunch more projects I'll be posting on here! Thanks!
David Picciuto
Rene Morales
awesome project by the way, question though. if you dont have a sander what other method is there to get the letters to pop out like that?
Rene Morales
William Root
As for acrylic, leave the paper mask in place, do a test cut on some scrap to get your depth of cut right. You'll want to cut the acrylic but not the mask, not only will this keep the alignment but it will protect from scratching the surface!
William Root
Chris Gagnon
I saw a person use Painters tape put it on the back of the acrylic with the paper put painters tape on waste board area for the acrylic then using CA Glue. Glue the acrylic painters tape to the wast board. after you are done just peal the tape off. worked in the video
Chris Gagnon