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Bungalow dollhouse

John Jensen

Project by

John Jensen
Sanger, USA

General Information

My wife’s miniaturist friends saw pictures of my cabin project. So she wanted to bring me a new challenge. It’s a 1930s Craftsman bungalow in 1/4" scale. She had a decent set of plans I just need to convert for cnc. Material is 1/8" birch ply and bits are 1/16 and 1/32".

Like this project
lyle Steimel
Can you share your files
lyle Steimel
John Jensen
I can’t share this anymore because that computer died and I don’t have them anymore
John Jensen
Pedro J. Morales
Amazing, it looks tremendous great job.
Pedro J. Morales
Stuart G
Beautiful work. Do you still have the easel files in your account? If so, can you share them?
Stuart G