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Camper Wood Welcome Mat

36 opens
20 copies
Shalee Sykes

Project by

Shalee Sykes
Kennewick, Washington

General Information

Love Camping? Camper need some Pizazz? Got Dirty Feet? If you answered yes to any of these questions a sturdy, functional, piece of eye candy can be found in this project. A DIY, Customizable Wood Welcome Mat made with Campers, Trees, and Text (v-bit) all found in the Inventables Pro Design Library!

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Material Description Price
Hard Maple

Hard Maple (×30)

6" × 12" × 3/4" Hard Maple




6" × 12" × 3/4" Walnut


from Inventables


Lay Out Pieces

The fun part! Lay the pieces out in the final pattern to get ready for feeding the rope, this will make it much easier to put together

Cut out 14 pieces of 1/8 in rope 6 in longer than the height of the map. This gives us room to tie a not in-between each tile as we string them on. Tie knots at the top and bottom to secure. Repeat 14 times!



The fun part! Lay the pieces out in the final pattern to get ready for feeding the rope, this will make it much easier to put together

Cut out 14 pieces of 1/8 in rope 6 in longer than the height of the map. This gives us room to tie a not in-between each tile as we string them on. Tie knots at the top and bottom to secure. Repeat 14 times!

Set out to Welcome Everyone!!!


Gather Supplies

720 minutes

This project requires cutting out 24 Campers and 28 Tree designs (as well as 8 maple squares, 6 walnut WANDER tiles, and 2 walnut squares. Feel free to move the Easel file around to get the most cuts out of your piece of wood.


Add Pizazz

If you would like to make your design more personal feel free to add a v-bit engraves name to one of your campers,



60 minutes

Drill 1/4 inch holes, equal distance form the ends of the tile, through the sides.



One all your piece are cut get onto sanding. I hope you like sanding, lol.

Spray each piece with a clear protective enamel gloss to protect it from feet and dirt. Let dry.