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Coffee filter holder

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Peter Hawkins

Project by

Peter Hawkins

General Information

A quick carve to store our filters and neaten up the countertop. Holds a full box of #4 coffee filters, and slides out of the way when not needed. Project has two side pieces and a middle section that are glued together.

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Material Description Price
Clear Acrylic Sheet - Cast

Clear Acrylic Sheet - Cast

Dimensions: 12 in × 24 in, Thickness: 1/8 in, Material Type: Extruded


MDF Wood

MDF Wood

Dimensions: 12 in × 12 in, Thickness: 1/8 in

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Cut out MDF pieces

24 minutes

I used 1/2" MDF , because it is what I had available. There are three pieces, two sides and one center section (with no rabbet). The two sides look the same, but they’re actually mirror images of each other so that the rabbet for the acrylic is on the outside of each piece.


Cut out the acrylic

4 minutes

Both pieces are identical.


Glue up MDF

15 minutes

2 things: First off, I figured that a coffee filter would be symmetrical across the arc; they aren’t. So be careful where you put the glue.
Second, getting the three pieces lined up so that the outside edges are nice and smooth is tougher than I expected. Take your time.

Once the glue dried, I sanded it and then painted the MDF.


insert acrylic

I also glued these into the rabbets with an instant glue. Be careful with these as they fit one way but not the other (non-symmetrical filter issue again).

When everything was dry, I picked a bottom and put self-stick rubber feet on it, to keep it in one spot better