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Custom Quilting Rulers

46 opens
19 copies
James Street

Project by

James Street

General Information

My Mother-In-Law is a quilter and asked me to make some custom rulers for her to make letters with. She got the design from a catalog. I digitized the images into SketchUp and then transferred them to Easel.

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Brodey Sheppard
Can you upload your waste board with holes and your clamps? Super interested in these!
Brodey Sheppard
James Street
The waste board is 1/8" hard board that I drilled through holes over the x-carve board to line up with the threads. The clamps are old hardwood flooring that I planed down and ran through the table saw to put half a saw kerf one the edge to hold down the 1/8 in acrylic.
James Street
Jason Willis
This is a great project. My wife quilts and I was looking for Mother's Day inspiration. Thanks!
Jason Willis
David Gardner
What do the number represent?
David Gardner