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Dodecagon Bamboo Clock

Samantha Alaimo

Project by

Samantha Alaimo

General Information

This simple and beautiful form makes the perfect addition to any home or office.

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Material Description Price
Bamboo Plywood

Bamboo Plywood

Thickness: 3/4 in - don't use 1, Plies: 3 - don't use 3, Dimensions: 12 in × 12 in - don't use 4

Clock Hands

Clock Hands

Material: Aluminum, Color: Black, Length: 3.75"


Clock Mechanism

Clock Mechanism

Press on movement; accommodates dial up to 3/8 in thick

Desktop 3D Carving (CNC Mill) Kit - Shapeoko 2

Desktop 3D Carving (CNC Mill) Kit - Shapeoko 2

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The .svg file for the 5 in clock



The .svg file for the 10 in clock


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Generate tool paths

I generated my tool paths in Makercam. Watch the video below for instructions. You can also use other cam software.


Cut material to appropriate size

The 12×12 Sheet of bamboo is too large to fit in my Shapeoko set up. I cut mine in half with a bandsaw. You could also use a hand saw. If your cnc can hold a 12 × 12 in sheet, please move on to the next step.


Secure Material

My Shapeoko set up uses the “hold down table” project. You can also screw the material into the waste board with wood screws.


Home the spindle

Jog or manually bring the spindle to the appropriate origin point. The file is set up with the origin in the lower left corner of your material.


Run the Gcode

I used Universal G code sender. There are several free g code programs recommended at Once your Shapeoko is connected, zero your axis and upload the file. your file should be ready to run!



I used an 1/8 in chisel and rubber mallet, to knock the tabs off of my piece. Then I lightly sanded it with 220 sand paper.

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