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Dog jewelry box

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281 opens
84 copies
Charles Epp

Project by

Charles Epp

General Information

This one is from hickory, with the first coat of mineral oil.

Good design!

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Russell Kelly
please share public
Russell Kelly
Charles Epp
I found the design on the Inventables project page...
Charles Epp
Kearney Emile
may i have this image if dog i am searching a dog picture luke this for a friend jus dog is fradette thank in advance my e mail is
Kearney Emile
Kearney Emile
étant à dog image my friend’dog dead
Kearney Emile
Charles Epp
Look at: the dog image is in the second panel. I don't recall where I got the original, but I'm sure you can find one online. Good luck, and sorry to hear about your dog.
Charles Epp