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Dog Jewelry box

283 opens
85 copies
Charles Epp

Project by

Charles Epp

General Information

Cut hickory with the first application of mineral oil

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John Quinn
how can i make top with dog 0n it?
John Quinn
John Quinn
how can i make top with dog 0n it?
John Quinn
Charles Epp
Hello John, I did several things: 1) I centered the X-carve to the design (there's pretty good tutorial at )
Charles Epp
Charles Epp
2) For the dog head, I used a 20 degree bit , with 0.003" cut. 3) I cut halfway through on the CNC with a 1/8" bit, then a bandsaw to cut it out, and flush trim bit on a router table to clean it up.
Charles Epp
Charles Epp
I had several scrapped pieces centering different designs before getting it. I'm still learning patience...
Charles Epp
John Quinn
Hello Charles when i copy your project and open it up i only get a half of heart. can you please let me know what to do. this dog looks just like our dog that just passed. thank you..
John Quinn
Charles Epp
John, Try this link: If it doesn't work, give me a call at 210-347-0780 (central time zone). I don't know what exactly what is going on, but between us we can figure it out. Charles
Charles Epp
John Quinn
Hello, Charles This is what i get with this link. I will try but if no success i will reach out to you. My number is 401-486-6171. email Thanks for your help.
John Quinn
John Quinn
Thanks for your help i was able to get thank you so much look forward to sharing my progress with this software. Sincerely, Grateful for your help..
John Quinn
Charles Epp
You're welcome, I'd like to see it when you are finished if you don't mind sharing.
Charles Epp
John Quinn
Sure Charles as soon as i get some spare time to make it i will. thanks again for your advice.
John Quinn