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Schaal Tom

Project by

Schaal Tom
Mersch , Luxemburg

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Extended Z axes endstop-mount for Orcabot 0.43 3D Printer
From a Sketchup Model to an Easel project

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From a Sketchup Model to an Easel project

I don’t own the x-carve machine. I have a 3D Printer and I’m very interest in all kind off this stuff.
I tried out the Easel software to know what is possible with it.
That’s what I made:
All software I uesed is free.
-I drawed this workpiece in Sketchup. (Usually I would than 3D print it.)
-I had to add a floor plain.
-Exported a topview of it as pdf. (Perspective off)
-Open the PDF in Inkscape and safe it as SVG
-Import the SVG to EASEL
-Set the depth for each plain like I draw it in Sketchup.