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Foldable desk

Jaime Hernandez

Project by

Jaime Hernandez
Houston, USA

General Information

My first own proyet disiged & build
using my cam & X-carve 1000 mm and 3d printer for some spacers and nubs that will see in the pics , i hide the screw head and end to make it look nice
foldable desk has the vision to work on your needs on the laptop either on a sit or
stand take your pick .

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Betsy Adkins
Any way you would share files for this
Betsy Adkins
Betsy Adkins
Any way you would share files for this
Betsy Adkins
Richard Risch
Hi Jamie, can you share this file (make public)?
Richard Risch
Dean Maritz
Hi Jamie, this design looks awesome. can you share the design with us??
Dean Maritz
Julio Dominguez
Soo, looks like you dont like to share
Julio Dominguez
Hugh McILwraith
Can you make this public so you can share it please?
Hugh McILwraith