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FT Trainer Page 1

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11 copies
Jeff Kodad

Project by

Jeff Kodad
Lincoln, NE

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CNC files for cutting foamboard to build the FliteTest tiny trainer.

Building instructions and additional plans are available through FliteTest

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Jan De Wilde
Awesome thanks, I was just planning on importing this into easel myself, but then figured I'd check if someone had already done so. I was just wondering what bit and feed/speed/plunge rates you were using?
Jan De Wilde
Jeff Kodad
Used a 1/16 bit end mill bit (or the smallest bit you have) at 70in/min feed, 9 in/min plunge, .2 inch depth per pass. You can crank the plunge much higher if you want, we have for other planes without a problem. Have fun cutting!
Jeff Kodad
Jan De Wilde
Thanks! Do you use the DeWalt router at 16000 RPM?
Jan De Wilde
Jeff Kodad
Yes, I used the DeWalt router and ran it between 50%-100% speed. With my bit the lower RPMs were chewing up the foam board, so I would just experiment with your setup to figure out what works best.
Jeff Kodad
Jan De Wilde
Thanks again, much appreciated
Jan De Wilde
Jan De Wilde
Thanks again, much appreciated
Jan De Wilde
Jan De Wilde
Thanks again, much appreciated
Jan De Wilde
Jan De Wilde
Wowza, not sure why that comment got posted 3 times
Jan De Wilde