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Halloween Ghosts

614 opens
291 copies
John Holinka

Project by

John Holinka
Austin, USA

General Information

Halloween ghosts for hanging outside or inside.

Sized to make 4 out of a 20 × 20 sheet of 1/4 inch plywood.

Like this project Open in Easel®
Material Description Price
Birch Plywood

Birch Plywood


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Daniel Mordhorst
Unable to open -- says it hasn't been shared publically
Daniel Mordhorst
John Holinka
Daniel, try again. I went back through and tried re-posting.
John Holinka
John Holinka
If it does not work I can copy the image and email it to you.
John Holinka
victor orta
Hello i cannot open the file
victor orta
John Holinka
Victor, I reported the easel file again, refresh browser and try again. Please let comment if you can't open and I will contact Inventables.
John Holinka
Anthony M Scudieri
Still cannot open file. Can you please message the image.
Anthony M Scudieri
Olivier CAUET
Hi, thanks a lot John, it's just perfect !
Olivier CAUET