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Home Stoplight

Mercedes Mane

Project by

Mercedes Mane
Mahomet, Illinois

General Information

This is the control board. It connects on the back of the red led board. It uses an attiny45.

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Material Description Price
Circuit Board Blanks

Circuit Board Blanks

Stephan K
what was your method for etching?
Stephan K
Mercedes Mane
I actually milled out the board using a CNC machine and a 1/64 bit.
Mercedes Mane
Paul Campbell
how did you drill the holes
Paul Campbell
Paul Campbell
was it a separate tool path and bit did you generate the tool path what software to design the PCB > many questions
Paul Campbell
Mercedes Mane
I used The Fab Modules to create the tool path. Yes the holes and traces were 2 separete tool paths, mainly b/c the bit sizes I used were differente for holes and traces.
Mercedes Mane
Mercedes Mane
Paul, if you need more details shoot me an email:
Mercedes Mane
Michael Allman
I am interested in how you got your files for the pcb layout to the tool path. Did you start with gerber files from you board layout? Are you using the standard drill files?really find anything. Any help would be appreciated.
Michael Allman
Mercedes Mane
Michael, I exported balck and white png of each layer, and used the fabmodules to cut the boards on a Modela MDX20.
Mercedes Mane