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iPhone 6 Case

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Jeremy Richards

Project by

Jeremy Richards
Auckland, New Zealand

General Information

Make your own wooden iPhone 6 Case with this project.

Please read the instructions before clicking to “Open in Easel”

Like this project Open in Easel®
Material Description Price
Carbide Tip Upcut Single Flute - 1/8 in Cutting x 1/8 in Shank

Carbide Tip Upcut Single Flute - 1/8 in Cutting x 1/8 in Shank

Cutting Diameter: 1/8 in - 2013 - 2015, Shank Diameter: 1/8 in, Quantity: 10

Natural HDPE Sheet

Natural HDPE Sheet

Thickness: 1/2 in, Dimensions: 12 in × 12 in, Type: Single color, Color: White



6" × 12" × 3/4" Walnut


This project's Bill of Materials is not complete.

from Inventables

File Description Unit Price

iPhone 6 Case - Pin Holes 401.svg

Registration Holes for alignment


iPhone 6 Case - Back First 402.svg

Case Back profile camera hole and surface pocket


iPhone 6 Case - Back Second 403.svg

Case Back filet edge


iPhone 6 Case - Back Inventables.svg

Optional Case back engraving area


iPhone 6 Case - Front 404.svg

Case Front complete carve


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from Inventables



First thing you will want to do is get your materials and tools ready to cut.

In order for the carve to be precise, and fit the iPhone 6 just right, please read through all of these instructions first before attempting the carve and be careful as you do. iPhones (as you probably know) have extremely low tolerances. Unfortunately, this means that to get something that looks good and works, the tolerances on this carve will need to be low as well. On the flip side of that, if you follow this project closely, then your case will fit your iPhone like a glove just like other iPhone 6’s because they are all very close to the same.

Everything should be measured twice and everything should be set as square to the X and Y of your machine as possible.

For this project I have listed in the BOM that you will want 3/4in walnut. this can be substituted for most woods, but I would stick with hard woods that are similar in cutting to walnut so that you don’t have to tinker with feeds and speeds too much, but if you know what you are doing then I don’t see why this carve couldn’t be done in any material Easel and X-Carve will cut. (aluminum would be pretty rough on your iPhone though)

The pictures will show a carve that I did out of reclaimed Rimu (a native New Zealand wood). It has similar milling properties to walnut, hence the recommendation.

Note: You will need to thickness your material to as close to 13mm as you can. I use the X-Carve to do this by subtracting material from both the front and back in order to get the most clean and co-planer surface that I can.

The dimensions of the material you want to start the carve with are X > 92mm, Y > 186mm , Z = 13mm

The depths on this carve are very specific, so I’ll reiterate… make sure that your material is co-planer on the front and back (the front and back are parallel with each other) and that the material is 13mm thick.

You will probably want to have about 8 clamps for this as well, but your milage may vary.


Create a fixture

First thing to carve is a fixture. This will hold your material in place while the case is being carved and will help to keep everything aligned.

Using the “pins” that are created, you will be able to register the material through all of the cuts and if you make it out of something like HDPE or something else sturdy, then you will be able to use it over and over again.

Leave the fixture clamped to the exact same place for all of these steps.

After reading through the instructions once, come back to this step and use the “Open in Easel” button to get to the Pin Holes. Use these pin holes to create a pocket larger than your material, and at least 3.5mm deep leaving the “Pin Holes” sticking up in the pocket 3.5mm or more.

Have I mentioned the need for accuracy? Note: measure your end mill carefully with calipers. Mine is more like 3mm than .125in… use this number measurement in all of your tool sizes and don’t just choose a 1/8" bit because it says so on the package.


Cut the Pin Holes

Using the same Easel project that opens when you click “Open in Easel” you will want to cut the holes in your material.

Carve this piece off to the side away from your fixture.

If it is a different width or height that is fine, just keep the holes at the same distance from the Y-zero and then center the holes in your material’s X (only move the holes from side to side using the numbers not clicking and dragging).

You will start at the lower left corner for this carve.

I have included a small circle that the bit will go and touch just slightly on the surface. This can then be used later to find the center point. I used a compound square to mark a line from this center point to the bottom edge and then across the bottom and to the other side. This will really help later.

When you finish this step the holes you just carved, should fit snuggly over the pins in the fixture. Once you have the material in the fixture and it is pressed all of the way down and as flat as possible, clamp it in place. Once in place transfer your mark for center line to the fixture so you can reference it later.


Case Profile Cut

Ok, you have the material in the fixture and ready to start the case.

I have set up the rest of these Easel projects to be centered on the X-Zero. This means that from now on you will place your bit at the bottom edge of the material and centered on that line that was made in the last step. (not at the lower left corner)

Here is the link to the next project:

This will carve the main surface of the back of the case and then pocket around the profile. It will also carve the hole for the camera, mic, and flash.

Forgot to take a picture of this step, but the Easel project is pretty self explanatory.


Case Edge Filet Cut

Due tot he complexity of the camera hole and the filet intersecting, I have broken this out into a separate project. Open this one, and close the last one. Your bit should still be sitting at the same X and Y zero. Lower the bit down by what your safe height is (3.8mm) in my case and you should have a good “home” to start this carve from.


Optional Case Back Engraving

This step is optional, but if you would like something custom on the back of your case then now is the time to carve it. I chose to carve a brail like maze on the back of mine, but it could be anything as long as you keep it pretty shallow. The case thickness is only about 2mm, but you could also do a cut through here, just cut past 3.7843mm and you should have a cut through.

Use the SVG I have included for this to get your layout set up and replace what is there in the project linked here:


Unclamp, Clean, and Flip Over

Now is when all of the measuring and squareness and fixture come into play.

If you haven’t been cleaning up the chips then now is the time. You don’t want any of the chips getting in the way of your material lying absolutely flat in the fixture.

Unclamp your material, but leave the fixture clamped in place. Pull the material off and clean again.

Also de-burr your material. You can use a file or some sand paper for this, but I find that using a square of scotch-brite pad on the end of a Dremel tool works quite well. The wire brush for the Dremel does the trick too.

You want to de-burr the material so that it will lay completely flat in the fixture when you flip it over.

Flip the material over from left to right and place the holes back on to the pins. Firmly press the material down and make sure it is flat in the fixture. Then re-clamp the material back in place. The center line on the bottom should line up with the mark you made on the fixture.


Case Front Carve

Once you have the material back in the fixture, and aligned, and secure, you are ready for the final cut on the machine. this project will cut out a profile of the case form the opposite side and meet up this the previous cuts. It will also pocket out the inside of the case and through cut the camera hole. The pocket that it carves out will have a stepped filet on most height transitions.

There is an option you must decide upon here. Will you make the case a clip on style of case like in the pictures or will it just a sticky back to stay on? If you want to make it a clip on case there will be some hand carving in a later step. If you don’t want to do this, or don’t have the means to do it, then you can remove the top 6 layers in each corner of the case profile and then just add a sticky back. See the screen shot for a better view of what to delete.

There is another way to get the under cut, that I may amend to this project at a later date, but it needs some testing first. The two mentioned above are the most reliable.

Remember to set your X Y and Z zero to the bottom center edge of the material.

This will probably be the longest cut time compared to the others. There is much more material to be removed in this step, so be sure that the chips are cleared for the most accurate and clean cuts.


Unclamp, Cut Tabs, Under Cut, and Clean

Yay, you are almost done.

You can unclamp your case and cut it free from the frame, being sure to cut the tabs flush with the case. I used a cut-off wheel on a Dremel tool to do this.

If you opted in the last step to keep the Easel project as is and carve for a clip in style, then you will need to undercut the four corners. I’ve tried to design this piece so that there is as little hand carving as possible, so there shouldn’t be too much material removed to get the desired undercut.

I used the same Dremel tool to do this with a cutter that had a ball on the end, but you could use sand paper, or a carving gouge style chisel to accomplish the same thing. Use the stepped filet as a guide for how to curve the inside and make sure that the iPhone will be able to slide into each corner square and flush with the sides. Post a comment if you need more explanation about this.

After each corner is carved out, then de-burr and sand the case. I used the wire brush and scotch-brite pad from above to smooth everything out. You may also want to round a few of the edges with the sand paper as well. Start with a 150 grit sand paper and work up to a 200 or even 350 to get it all nice and smooth. You may also want to stain or finish the case, but remember that it will be held and placed near a face, so use caution when choosing a finish.

J. Alexander Jacocks
Looks absolutely beautiful! Any interest in updating the design to the 6 plus?
J. Alexander Jacocks
Jeremy Richards
Thanks J I might be able to add some Plus sized SVG files at some point. :)
Jeremy Richards
Richard Otte
I'd love to see some 6 plus files (in case you needed some encouragement)
Richard Otte
Matthew Jamison
I'd love to see some 6 Plus sizes too!
Matthew Jamison
Tibor Blidal
Hello i made one but my case broke and It was to thin i dont now what i did wrong I followd your description.
Tibor Blidal
Jeremy Richards
Hi Tibor, When did it break? During the carve? How thin was the case? If you could post some pics to the forum thread below, I can try and help out.
Jeremy Richards
Tibor Blidal
Hi Jeremy I think i now what went wrong it was the second carving on backside i put the spindle in zero position in the Start.It went bad wen IT was 4% left in The last carving Regards Tibor PS. Sorry fot My bad english
Tibor Blidal
Michael scale
hi how does the case hold the phone ? or is it just a tight fit ?
Michael scale
Jeremy Richards
Hi Michael, In step 8 and 9 I talk about different methods for how the case can be made to stay on. For the cases that I make I have just left enough material at the corners to make under cuts with a Dremel or other rotary tool, but there are other options.
Jeremy Richards
Zachary Avino
Hey Jeremy, for some reason when I open your steps in easel everything shows up cut off far to the left of the material. I've recentered everything, but was that offset placement on purpose?
Zachary Avino
Jeremy Richards
Hi Zachary, Yep, it was centered over the work zero point on purpose. I you take a look at step 3in the instructions and the accompanying images, you'll see why the design was centered the way it was.
Jeremy Richards
Zachary Avino
Got it, Thanks Jeremy.
Zachary Avino