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Leather wrapped coaster

221 opens
83 copies
Steve Knox

Project by

Steve Knox

General Information

A leather tools inspired coaster. Machined wood wrapped with a thin leather. Milled with assets from the pro design library.

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Material Description Price
Hard Maple

Hard Maple

6" × 12" × 1/8" Hard Maple


from Inventables


Cut the wood, Roughing pass + Detail

60 minutes

Using a 1/4" flat end bit, zero off stock and run the roughing pass.
Switch to a 1/32" bit for detail machining.

Cut the wood out to final dimensions. Hand saw, table saw, mitre saw. anything works.


Lightly sand the edges

Lightly sand with 180grit to remove any burs on the wood. I also knocked down the tips of the compass since I was planning to leather wrap.


Apply glue

5 minutes

Using a brush apply a water based glue to the wood ensuring to get into all the crevices.

White PVA glue will work. I used ecostick 1816b but there are many options.


Overlay Leather

30 minutes

lay out a thin piece of leather (I used 0.5mm Italian Buttero)

Starting from the middle press the leather into the details using your fingers.
The leather will stretch and conform as you gradually work it into the coaster.

Optional tools are a bone folder or smooth metal sculpting tool. but anything can work including a popsicle stick or bamboo skewer.

To finish the wrap stretch the leather around the edges and adhere it to the backside.
Trim any excess.

Adhere cork backing as desired. Enjoy!