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Lightning Box

65 opens
17 copies
James Rodovich

Project by

James Rodovich
Chicago, IL

General Information

A hollowed-out box shaped like a lightning bolt.

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6" × 12" × 3/4" Wenge


Carve it

480 minutes

The box top and bottom pieces fit together. Both pieces are carved out of a 3/4" thick piece of wood but the total clearance inside the box is just under 1".

Both pieces will fit on a single piece of 6″×12″ material if you start near the corner and then flip & re-clamp the material between jobs.

I used a 1/8" bit and there’s about 1/16" of wiggle room between the two pieces when the box is closed. If I’d had more patience I would have used a smaller bit for a snugger fit—but each half took about four hours of carving time as it is!


Finish it

15 minutes

After carving each piece, break the tabs with a chisel and sand the rough sides that cross the grain.


Fill it

1 minute

Find some small objects to put inside, and then put the top onto the bottom to close it.