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Maple BBQ Grill Scraper

116 opens
70 copies
Kelly Mason

Project by

Kelly Mason
Lloydminster, Canada

General Information

This design is for Maple BBQ Grill Scraper, replacing the wire bristle scrapers. Made from 3/4" hard maple with an additional brace handle so both hands can add pressure to the scraper. The use of Easel allows for so much customization but one hour only allows for so much!

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Material Description Price
Gorilla Wood Glue

Gorilla Wood Glue

Gorilla Wood Glue - 4 oz

Hard Maple

Hard Maple

6" × 12" × 3/4" Hard Maple


Adding the brace

10 minutes

After the grill scraper has finished on the X-Carve, give a light sanding to the brace part, as well as the mortise on the scraper. Apply wood glue to the tenon of brace and fit into the mortise. Allow to dry sufficiently. While drying, heat up the grill and get ready to BBQ!