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Michigan Tray

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Kevin Cleary Jr

Project by

Kevin Cleary Jr

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Here’s a neat gift idea for all you Michiganders!

I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I do and as much as my customers do! Good luck!

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60 minutes

Here’s a neat gift idea for all you Michiganders!

Start on the first page, route out with a 1/4 inch cutter.

Flip to page/part 2. Here’s where it takes some specific direction-
1st, you’ll need to change cutter sizes from the 1/4 inch to the 1/8 inch straight cutter. DO NOT MOVE YOUR MATERIAL OR YOUR X/Y AXIS!!!

Go into “Machine” and change the advanced settings for the safety height from 0.15 inches to 1 inch.

Click Carve, reset your Z axis flush with your material. Before sending, manually lift your router Z axis 0.1 inch. Turn the router on. Now in 0.1 inch increments, drop your Z axis 7 times. This will drill a hole into your material. Then drop your router .01 inch 3 more times. This will give you a hole depth of 0.63, which is almost exactly the same depth as the dish inside.

Shut the router off. Leave the router in the hole. Set that as your home Z axis. Send it. The router should lift 1 inch and clear the side walls.

This method will save about 20 minutes worth of “air cutting”.

Move on to page 3. Make sure your Z axis is left at .15 inches for the lift (default). Carve away!

I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I do and as much as my customers do! Good luck!

Isaura  Greene
Hi Kevin! Thanks so much for sharing this project. I am a easel/cnc newbie. I wonder if you can clarify the instuctions for page 3.. When you state to make sure the Z-axis is left at .15 for the lift... is this referring to going back to advanced settings and changing safety height back to 0.15?
Isaura Greene