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Mid Century Modern Planter Stand

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Benjamin and Erin Tovar

Project by

Benjamin and Erin Tovar
Austin, USA

General Information

This is our entry to the #EaselPowerHour.
You will use a 16″ × 16″ × .5″ piece of Baltic Birch.
You will also need a 1/8" Flat Endmill.
It is estimated to take 23 minutes to cut.
Can’t wait to see your planters!
I have also included the Fusion360 file for you to customize your own!

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Material Description Price
Birch Plywood

Birch Plywood (×2)

Thickness: 1/2 in, Dimensions: 8 in × 12 in

Gorilla Wood Glue

Gorilla Wood Glue

Gorilla Wood Glue - 4 oz

File Description Unit Price


Fusion 360 File for customizing your own (Just edit the sketch)


Download Zip

from Inventables


Set up your 16 x 16 x 1/2 piece of material

5 minutes

You will need a 16 × 16 × 1/2 piece of Baltic birch.

I love the look of the end grain so much.


Load up your 1/8" flat end mill

5 minutes

You know the drill ;]


Machine your parts!

23 minutes

The time estimate in Easel states that these cuts will take about 23 minutes to run.



5 minutes

I added tolerances to the joints so that it should just sit flush and tight together

Check out this Gif to see how it assembles.

Super easy and fresh!

Larry Brooks
when will this project be released
Larry Brooks
Dave Rodman
sort of new here, has this file been shared? Asking ad I can not get it to open in Easel. Thank you.
Dave Rodman
pliss upload in Easel
Rick Scheck
Can you share this publicly please so that we can open in Easel?
Rick Scheck