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176 opens
92 copies
Don Kuehn

Project by

Don Kuehn
Merton, USA

General Information

Just in time for Halloween!! A collection of 7 different mini-tombstones with carved epitaphs to use or modify as you see fit.

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The tombstone outlines were designed with Easel 100%!! No importing of SVG files, it’s amazing what you can do with Easel and a little node editing and shape combining. The dove image and the “swoosh” on the “Theo” text were JPG files that were imported with the image trace function, and the curved “Greedo” text was also created with one of the Easel apps.

I used 1/2" thick plywood, cut out with a 5/16" diameter straight bit, then used a 1/32" down cut bit for the text on the epitaphs. After some sanding to remove the sharp edges, the stones were spray painted medium gray color, allowed to dry and then sprayed with gray Rust-o-leum Stone Texture spray finish to give them that stone look.
Since these are going to be outdoor decorations, I coated them with Minwax Outdoor Spar Urethane and then diluted black latex paint with water to fill in the letters. (Use a small detail brush and take your time). Once the black diluted paint was dry, I hit it with another coat of the urethane.

I also initially added (2) 3" long wood screws to the bottom of each tombstone for handling while painting, but kept them attached as they make great spikes for sticking into the ground.