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Nema 23 ShapeOko 2 Upgrade Parts List

Sam Alaimo

Project by

Sam Alaimo

General Information

A lot of people ask us about upgrading their Shapeoko 2 to use NEMA 23 motors on the X and Y axes. To make that process a little easier for everyone, we decided to offer up a project that includes all the components necessary.

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Material Description Price
Aluminum GT2 Pulley - 20 Teeth, Dual Flange - 20 mm Pitch

Aluminum GT2 Pulley - 20 Teeth, Dual Flange - 20 mm Pitch (×3)

Bore: 1/4 in, Belt Width: 6 mm


Aluminum Spacers - #12, 5M

Aluminum Spacers - #12, 5M (×2)

Inside Dia.: .219 (5.56mm) - 25312-12, Length: 0.1875 in - 25312-12, Outside Dia.: .375 (9.53mm) - 25312-12

Button Head Cap Screw

Button Head Cap Screw (×2)

Length: 20mm, Quantity: 10, Thread Size: M5


Enclosed Power Supply

Enclosed Power Supply

Output Voltage: 24VDC - 2013 - 2017, Current: 10A, Power: 240W

Flat Washer

Flat Washer (×2)

Finish: Zinc Plated, Dimensions: I.D: 5.3mm; O.D: 10mm, Quantity: 10


Hex Nuts

Hex Nuts (×2)

Width: 8mm, Height: 4mm, Pitch: 0.8mm, Quantity: 10, Thread Width: M5

Power Cord

Power Cord

Length: 6 ft, End 2 Type: Pre-Stripped (bare) - 2013 - 2017

Stepper Motor - NEMA 23

Stepper Motor - NEMA 23 (×3)

Holding Torque: 140oz-in - 2014 - 2015, Qty: 1, Machine: non-X-Carve

This project's Bill of Materials is not complete.

from Inventables


Wiring power supply

You can use any of the + and – ports, we choose to the ones that were right next to each other. The order for the plus is Line, Neutral, Ground.


Why upgrade?

View the instructions here:

The ShapeOko 2 is compatible with NEMA 23 motors, with a few modifications to the basic assembly. The machine runs fine with NEMA 17 motors, but if you decide to modify the basic design to longer extrusions or a larger more powerful spindle you may want to use NEMA 23 motors for the X and Y axes. They will give you the power and speeds appropriate for a larger machine.

The larger motors need to be mounted on the 1/4" spacers to clear the bolt heads for the idler pulleys. You also have to avoid the bolts used to mount the X axis MakerSlide. This is done by moving the motor to the lower end of the slots or by notching the MakerSlide.


Get the most out of your motors

To get the most out of the motor upgrade, you can use the tinyG controller with the Enclosed Power supply. However, the upgrade would work with the stock power supply and gShield.

Shana Robinson
What's the purpose of the dual shaft motor ?
Shana Robinson
Sam Alaimo
Hello Shana, Great question. In this application, the dual shaft has no advantages over the single shaft motors. We chose to include the dual shaft motors because we have more of them in stock. Best, Sam
Sam Alaimo
Kuson Sintusingha
Does the dual shaft allow using the Z-axis knob?
Kuson Sintusingha
Sam Alaimo
Hello, Yes, the dual shaft allows the knob with crank to fit. Although to use a Nema 23 on the z axis, you need a new z axis plate.
Sam Alaimo
Fritz Weinrebe
One can use a dual shaft Stepper motor to put an encoder on the other side for more accurate results. Your electronics need to support encoders however.
Fritz Weinrebe
Fritz Weinrebe
An item I don't see on this list is the NEMA 17/23 Z Axis Plate. (
Fritz Weinrebe
Peter Govaars
Why is the TinyG in this parts list? Is the Shapeoko 2's GShield unable to supply the necessary current for the Nema 23s? If so, I assume the alternate power supply is suggested for the same reason? Thanks, Peter.
Peter Govaars
Sam Alaimo
Hello Peter, You can use the 23 upgrade with the stock gshield and power supply. However you get a lot more power out of the motors with the upgraded power supply and board.
Sam Alaimo
Jon Loldrup
I don't see the 'tinyG controller' nor the 'Enclosed Power supply' in the parts list. However, I would like to use these! Where can I buy them? Is it a generic tinyG controller? How do I identify the proper 'Enclosed Power supply' on the webs or on this site?
Jon Loldrup
Sam Alaimo
Hi, You can add those to your cart separately. If you are using the TinyG with the Nema 23 upgrade, I would recommend using the 24V 10A Power supply 30353-02.
Sam Alaimo
Pablo Covarrubias
Do you need cut the maker slide to fit?
Pablo Covarrubias
David Duncan
So why does the bill of materials for ordering this upgrade say (x2) for the screws, spacers, washers, and nuts, when each motor requires 4 of each? Typo?
David Duncan
Nathan P Kazier
Read the description, it says Quantity 10, so you are getting 20 total of each..
Nathan P Kazier
Prateek Gupta
Hi, while I am upgrading why I need GT2 pulley(20 teeth) ,the old motors also has the same pulley. Also do I need to change the mount plate for nema 23 or mount plate are same.
Prateek Gupta
Khalid Al-Kooheji
is it ok to use the 10A powersupply with NEMA 23 and gshield (not tinyg)
Khalid Al-Kooheji
Hi, i already upgraded to the quite spindle, and i'm using the recommended power supply, 48V and 7.3A, would that work for the NEMA 23 upgrade?
Sam Alaimo
Hi, You can use the 10amp supply with the gshield.
Sam Alaimo
Javier Delgado
Sam's got great customer service skills! ;) I'm getting my new shield today!! :D
Javier Delgado
Kacper Gogół
How looks NEMA 23 on Z Axis , do I need any additional plate ?
Kacper Gogół
Nick Gannon
I bought the works kit. I plan on replace the Arduino with a 4 axis controller and add 1 more Nema 17 to system, My question is if the current power supply that comes with the works kit will be sufficient?
Nick Gannon
Trevor Green
I got this kit and discovered that either the shaft on the motor is too short or the pulley not long enough because there is not enough shaft to get the pulley out in position with the motor space away from the plate. is this normal and I am missing something or is there a problem with the parts?
Trevor Green
Sam Alaimo
@Kacper Gogó? the z-axis on a shapeoko does not fit a 23, you will need to make a plate or upgrade to the X-Carve belt driven X-axis.
Sam Alaimo
Sam Alaimo
@Nick Gannon The 90w power supply that comes with the base kit should be enough but you might want to upgrade to the 30353-02 Enclosed power supply.
Sam Alaimo
Sam Alaimo
@Trevor Green You should be able to get this to work with the pulley and motor. Please send a picture of the set up to help(at) so we can take a look.
Sam Alaimo
Bryant Overgard
Even at the bottom of the slot the maker slide would not clear the button heads. I ended up using the extra spacers on the x axis. Other people may need to tap their x axis maker slide further to accommodate the slightly longer then stock bolts.
Bryant Overgard
I know this is ancient, but I'm making a Frankenstein Shapeoko- what programming changes do I need to make?