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Ohio State University Coasters

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486 copies
Matt Falk

Project by

Matt Falk

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Go Buckeyes!
Adapted from Tronn’s thing at
Cut into white oak panel with 1/16" bit.

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Paul Kaplan
Where did you get the material from?
Paul Kaplan
Matt Falk
It's just 1/4" thick oak panel. I got it from Home Depot in their "hobby wood" section. You could probably get it cheaper from a local lumber yard or mill
Matt Falk
Paul Kinlaw
What Bit did you use to carve this if i may ask please?
Paul Kinlaw
Matt Falk
I used a 1/16" generic dremel-type bit to get the detail on the interior. You could probably use a 1/8" for the outline. If the edges chip, you could switch to a downcut but I didn't need to.
Matt Falk
Jene Johnson
Is there other logos I might be able to get where you got that nice Ohio one ?
Jene Johnson
Matt Falk
I imported the SVG from the thing referenced on the thingiverse link. You could probably use the experimental image->vector tool in Easel to bring in whatever you want.
Matt Falk
Timothy Ogden
How do you deal with copyrights?
Timothy Ogden
Jonathan Nasby
I second the question about the copyrights. Did you purchase a license?
Jonathan Nasby
Brent Russell
Unless you’re mass producing them, the NCAA isn’t going to waste their time pursuing using the logo. I make rustic coolers with logos made into the sides of universities & NFL teams all the time. Done so for years & never once heard from either organization.
Brent Russell
Dave Eddy
In Easel, the material is listed as 12.7mm which is 1/2", but you said in an earlier comment that it was 1/4"? It looks like 1/2" in the pic but I was just looking for some clarification.
Dave Eddy
Brandon Spangler
Why in the world would anyone want an Ohio State coaster...? Just kidding by the way. Obviously, I'm from Michigan... :)
Brandon Spangler