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On air light

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Ward Raeymaekers

Project by

Ward Raeymaekers

General Information

On air light is a small light box. It is Made of simple materials. The only thing that you neer is wood, (black) paint, glue, a red plastic foil, (led) lights and a carving machine.

Have fun with the project!

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Carving “ on air”

First, create the image “ on air” . This milling you with a bit of 1/32 inch. I used soft malle with a thickness of 4 mm. Paint the party then black.


The box

10 minutes

Then get the little box. Milling the items with a bit of 1/8 inch. Paint the part then black. I used soft maple with a thickness of 4 mm.


Red plastic foil

5 minutes

Then glue the red foil on the back of the part “ on air”.


Glue and lights

Glue the box in a heap and fix the lights.

John McWhirter
Nice, I made a very similar project for my darkroom a while back:
John McWhirter
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