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Oregon is calling & I must go quote

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Making Manzanita

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Making Manzanita

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Looking for a fun accent wall idea? Carve this PNW twist on the famous John Muir quote out of MDF wood and hang on the wall. The quote “Oregon is calling and I must go” is perfect for nature or camping themed kid’s bedrooms and play rooms.

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Material Description Price
Carbide Tip Fishtail Upcut - 1/8 in Cutting x 1/8 in Shank

Carbide Tip Fishtail Upcut - 1/8 in Cutting x 1/8 in Shank

1/8" Upcut Fish Tail Carving Bit


MDF Wood

MDF Wood

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from Inventables


Design your wooden letters

30 minutes

If you want to use the same quote & size that we used – all you have to do is click “Open in Easel” and you’ll be ready to carve in minutes.

We designed this quote with custom fonts we found online in Inkscape (a free vector graphic design program that pulls the fonts from your computers). Once the quote was designed and sized correctly, we saved it as an SVG file and imported into Easel Pro.

In Easel Pro, you can simply move the words around to fin on your MDF panels more efficiently before carving.


Carve letters

180 minutes

Clamp down your wood stock on the X-Carve cutting back, turn on the dust collection system and run the carve.


Remove tabs and clean up letters

20 minutes

We used our Dremel rotary tool to slice through the tabs that the X-Carve leaves behind and then cleaned up further with the Dremel and a 150 grit sanding bit.

Be careful, however, because some of the spots on the letters are thin and very fragile.


Prime and paint

60 minutes

Next apply several light coats of spray primer and white spray paint. Let dry.


Hang quote on wall

30 minutes

Cut down Command picture hanging strips into smaller pieces and put on the backs of the letters. Have one person hold a level on the wall and another person press the letters into place. Hold for 30 seconds to secure.

For more detailed instructions, check out our step by step blog post at

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