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OSU Clock

Jon Glazer

Project by

Jon Glazer
Grove City, Ohio

General Information

Using some reclaimed wood and a little imagination and experimentation I decided to build myself a clock…

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Raw Wood

A friend of mine dropped off some lumber from a 130 year old home that was torn down. Not knowing what it would look like I began planing it and found it to be some pretty good looking, 1 inch thick solid poplar.

Since I’m still learning how to use the X-Carve I decided to make myself a clock. Yes I am an OSU grad and again, I made this for myself, not for sale.

Anyhow, I thought this came out pretty well.


Glue em together

I cut a single planed plank into 4 equal sections. The planks already had a tongue and groove for when they were used as the siding of the house so I was careful to use the same plank for all segments so they would be relatively level.


The carve

I used Core Draw to create the base design and exported it to VCarve Pro to create the toolpaths. I gotta say I was pretty impressed with the final carve. I use Universal G-Code Sender (sorry Easel) to send the commands to my X-Carve.



I carefully masked and painted the 3 colors needed for the design. The care was only to ensure that one color does not over-spray on another. Grey then Red (scarlet) then black.



After peeling off the masking tape I had, as expected, a mess. But after sanding … wow! I love my X-Carve :)



This is what it looked like after staining.


2nd attempt

I was a little unhappy about the darkness of the stain I chose so I gave it to my brother and made myself another, larger, lighter version.