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Porsche Logo

126 opens
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604 downloads 2 comments
Thomas Broen

Project by

Thomas Broen
Aalborg, Denmark

General Information

Project done in several steps:
1. Fine details – Lettering and horse (1/32" 2FL fishtail)
2. Pockets with details (1/16" 2FL fishtail)
3. Simple pockets and cutout (1/8" 2FL Straight End)

Total cutting time 1h 40 min. (Still trying out controls and settings to speed up the process)

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Porsche Logo.svg

The Porsche Logo


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Thomas Broen
Be aware that currently (22.04.2016) a bug in Easel is creating an error in the toolpath just over the STUTT. I will post a comment when I notice the bug is gone. A quickfix for this is to place a white rectangle on top of the problem area. It will make the toolpath right.
Thomas Broen
Thomas Broen
The problem has now been fixed... Aparently is was a combination of a complex svg-file and the level of detail in the preview and how the toolpath was generated. I have uploaded a new svg for download and the project is updated.
Thomas Broen