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Remake of "Bit Storage Caddy"

23 opens
11 copies
Adam Peterson

Project by

Adam Peterson

General Information

I used the main elements but reorganized so I could throw a caliper element in from another design. Added a couple small holes for 1/4" to 1/8" collet adapters as well as a few more Allen wrenches.

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Material Description Price
Red Oak

Red Oak

6" × 12" × 3/4" Red Oak

Christopher Moss
Can you share the project?
Christopher Moss
Adam Peterson
Fine by me.
Adam Peterson
Adam Peterson
Oh, are you asking me to share it? You should be able to click the "Open in easel" button.
Adam Peterson
Christopher Moss
I do that and it say that it is not shared publicly.
Christopher Moss
Jean-Marc Evrard
having the same issue Unable to open in Easel
Jean-Marc Evrard
Adam Peterson
It looks like I never picked a license. Give it another try and let me know if there are still issues.
Adam Peterson
Jean-Marc Evrard
Adam, Still the same error :(
Jean-Marc Evrard
robert carr
robert carr