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Remake of "CNC Clamp and Tool storage"

Ryan Barnes

Project by

Ryan Barnes
St Louis, MO

General Information

This is an all in one Clamp and Tool storage tray at 10 in x 12 in. It can hold up to 46 cutting tools . The tray is also equipped with a location for your 17 mm wrench and 150 mm caliper set. It will also hold all the hold down screws, clamps, and bases from the Inventables 3D clamp set.

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Betsy Adkins
Great tool Could i get files for this
Betsy Adkins
Ryan Barnes
This was a remake of a previous build. I used the Easel project and modified it in Easel. I do not have any file for this to share.
Ryan Barnes
Ryan Barnes
This link has a similar Easel project you can open and move the components where you wish.
Ryan Barnes