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Remake of "Wood Nightstand Catchall"

Joseph Johnson

Project by

Joseph Johnson
New Orleans, USA

General Information

Lightly modified for my desk at work. Thank you for your contribution Katrina.

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Material Description Price
Hard Maple

Hard Maple

6" × 12" × 3/4" Hard Maple

HSS Upcut 2 Flute - 1/4 in Cutting x 1/4 in Shank

HSS Upcut 2 Flute - 1/4 in Cutting x 1/4 in Shank

Onsrud-brand bit with 1/4" shank and cutting diameter for cutting woods and soft metals


Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

Solid Carbide Upcut Fish Tail Spiral Bits

1/32" Upcut Fish Tail Carving Bit


This project's Bill of Materials is not complete.

from Inventables


Changes to the original.

Carved in 1" maple, sanded to 220, and finished with mineral oil.

Widened the overall size, added holes for pens, and personalized. To speed the cut, I started with 1/4" high speed bit. This bit will not cut the lettering. After the cut was completed and the machine returned to home, I had swapped the bits to a 1/32" then modified the file by deleting all elements except text, then ran the carve again. BE CAREFUL not to move your machine from the original home while changing the bits.

Joseph Johnson
Just a note. With the new Easel features, you can swap the bits without the hokey pokey above.
Joseph Johnson
Kat Harris Parker
I think you did a wonderful job on the remake. Awesome!
Kat Harris Parker