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Remake of "X-Carve Laptop Stand"

Tom Baskin

Project by

Tom Baskin
Aurora, USA Baby - fly the flag with honor

General Information

My first project:
A laptop stand that can rotate, up/down and pivot.
Mounts to available bolts in the Side Board.
Made from the wood (18mm) i had laying around.

Like this project

some key points

Mine cut out well except: took original file and changed to 3/4 ply instead of the metric setting
Be sure to check tab thickness especially if the tool path decides to cut random.

mine did and chose to pretty much cut and drill in random order and if your not useing dbl sided tape,
the thin tabs can and will break off while carving and get destroyed especially if your board is not 100% flat!

Tip: Make a copy of the file, open the new copy and delete all but the drill / pocket holes.
run that file first
that way the pocket/drill operation dosent stress a thin tab and cause the piece to come out and or get ruined

Tip 2: after running the drill/pocket portion – use the already thru holes to mount the pieces directly to your spoil board just remember to delete the pocket/drill path from the original file
you dont want to try and carve a screw head!

Tip 3: take all your completed parts to your router table and give all parts a nice round over. this gives the it a more "finished " look and will also make the pocket joints fit flawlessly

Be creative and try making some epoxy knobs to add some flare!
Im going to make another one for my work truck!

Jason Zolnierz
is that an android tv box controller on your laptop in the one pic? if so, what do you use it for?
Jason Zolnierz