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Ridgid 18 volt battery mount

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Jim kranz

Project by

Jim kranz

General Information

This mount is for a Ridgid 18 volt battery to be mounted under a bench/shelf or on a wall. The mount is designed to allow the battery to slide on with the battery life indicator facing outwards for an easy view.

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6" × 12" × 3/4" Purpleheart


Cut material

5 minutes

Cut what ever 3/4 inch material you want to use to a 4" square. I had best luck with 3/4 hardwood plywood but also used 3/4 inch purpleheart



20 minutes

Clamp material to the work surface on the conners. Using 1/8 straight flute end mill zero the work piece on the bottom left corner. Run the carve, I used the recommended cut settings and they worked just fine.



15 minutes

Once the piece is done carving cut the tabs with knife or small saw. Sand in between all the cuts in the part, i did this by hand with 80 grit sand paper. The 2 outer edges of the piece need to have about 3/8" sanded back at a 45 degree angle to allow the battery to fit all the way. Then from the bottom of the piece countersink the 3 holes until the heads on the screws you are using will sit flush with the surface



2 minutes

This battery mount works best if mounted about 3" back from the edge of the shelf or bench, this allows the front of the battery to sit flush with the edge. I used 1-1/4" #10 screws to mount it.

Jason Smith
This looks amazing!, can you please make your easel file public so I can try it?
Jason Smith
Alex Lau
Yes please, I'd really like to make a few of these, great idea! Can you please make your project public or repost it?
Alex Lau
Fred Housel
Yeah, I'd love to see this model. Looks like the Easel link isn't functional anymore though. If you're able to share that would be sweet!
Fred Housel