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Rotating modular RC car stand

45 opens
15 copies
HemiStorm RC - Chris de Graaf

Project by

HemiStorm RC - Chris de Graaf
Halden, Norway

General Information

This is a very easy to make RC car stand, fully modular to enable you to adapt it to your needs, and (dis)assemble it without the need of any tools. It features two separate trays and a rotating top platform. Low cost, ease of use and convenient transport were key when designing this project.

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Material Description Price
Black ABS Plastic Sheet

Black ABS Plastic Sheet

Dimensions: 12 in × 24 in, Thickness: 1/4 inch


from Inventables


Carving the ABS

60 minutes

Make sure your sheet is lined up perfectly because the design as posted does not leave a lot of room around the cut pieces. It consumes the entire sheet of ABS. This project is extremely straight forward.


Making the pivot point

5 minutes

Glue the larger ring to the underside of the rotating platform using some CA glue. The smaller ring is a direct fit inside the larger ring, and should be fixed to the platform with the four connectors using a nut and a bot, M3x16mm or longer.


Slot parts together

2 minutes

This step is the easiest and most rewarding of the project. A very straight forward design, slot the lower braces in the both sides and hook the top plate with the hooks into place. Push the four keys in the holes above the lower braces to stiffen the structure, drop the top platform on the box and you are done! An easy to assemble and disassemble RC car stand.

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