2 minutes
Secure 12″×12″ piece of plywood to your machine.
1 minute
If you have homing switches, save an XY location in the lower left corner to G55.
30 minutes
Zero the Z axis on plywood blank and cut out the pockets and locating holes for the Jig.
26 minutes
Cut out and tweak the blanks until they fit into the jig. Cut as many blanks as you want to create ornaments.
45 minutes
Secure blanks in jig with a couple wood screws around the perimeter.
Run the operation(s) for the front, zeroing the Z axis on the surface of one of the blanks. Use the same blank each time you zero the tool in case there are slight variations.
45 minutes
Flip the blanks in the jig.
Run the operation(s) for the back, zeroing the Z axis on the surface of one of the blanks. Use the same blank each time you zero the tool in case there are slight variations.