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Sand Cast Lego Mold

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Make a reusable mold for sand casting to make your own metal Lego pieces

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Lego Dimensions

10 minutes

Just like the previous project I made for wood Legos, I wanted to make the Lego pieces actual size so that they can engage with actual Lego pieces. To do this, I needed to find out the what the dimensions of a standard Lego was. I found the dimensions on the following site and then extrapolated on them to make the various sized pieces.


Create The Pieces In Easel

45 minutes

Now that I had the dimensions, it was time to create them in Easel so that they the mold could be cut out. I designed these so that this one mold could be used for both sides of the casting. This will result in two of each size piece when done cutting both sides.

The large circles are for the riser and the sprue.


Cut Out The Mold

50 minutes

Now to just cut out the mold. It takes about 50 minutes to cut.


Cast And Finish The Pieces

120 minutes

Now that you have the mold, it is time to make the fixture for casting and cast it. Because this is cast, you will need to cut off the parts and sand the edges to flatten them.


Have Fun With Them

500000 minutes

Now you can have have many hours of fun with your new Lego pieces.