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Shade Lamp

79 opens
24 copies
Jan Buck

Project by

Jan Buck

General Information

Shade Lamp

Its a simple but exciting lamp carved out of 3,7mm thick plywood.
I used a 3mm flat downcut endmill. The recomended Speeds are a bit low ,
I can cut this in under 30 min.

The desing is optimized to use DIN format plywood that you can get everywere.
(at least in Germany )

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Material Description Price
Birch Plywood

Birch Plywood

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Bjarne Tondersen
This project has not been shared publicly
Bjarne Tondersen
Ivan Arroyo
Hey Jan, ¿would you please share this project?
Ivan Arroyo
Gary Stovall
why are there so many projects on here that aren't shared, this looks great would make a great project for my daughter..
Gary Stovall
hmm, it looks like there happened something with the project... there is a circle in the second sheet but the lower "base-part" is missing.