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Spiderman Coaster

The Guru

Project by

The Guru

General Information

Spiderman face carved from HDPE from Inventables.

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Material Description Price
Two-Color HDPE - White on Red

Two-Color HDPE - White on Red

Thickness: 1/4 in, Dimensions: 12 in × 12 in, Quantity: 1


from Inventables

File Description Unit Price


Source SVG file



CamBam file for milling


Download Zip

from Inventables


Load HDPE into Shapeoko

2 minutes

Load HDPE into Shapeoko


Home Shapeoko

1 minute

Move Shapeoko into home position over corner of material


Load code

Load gcode into UGS or appropriate controller



Send the file to the machine.

Dan Pearl III
Bit type, speed and fed rate? I am very new at this and still learning. Thanks
Dan Pearl III
The Guru
Hi Dan - DOC = 0.05" Feedrate = 30ipm Plunge = 10ipm Stepover = 35% Tool Diameter = 0.0625 Stock Dremel w/SO2. Speed = 8-10. You can definitely go faster on an X-Carve. I used a 0 helix bit - works best with HDPE. Best of luck.
The Guru
Dan Pearl III
Could you send me a link showing the 0.0625 Stock Dremel w/SO2.
Dan Pearl III
The Guru
Dan - what do you mean a "link showing the 0.0625 Stock Dremel"?
The Guru
The Guru
Ah, I think I understand. 0.0625 is the width of the bit; stock SO2 is just that - an unmodified ShapeOko2 with the stock dremel. Any X-Carve should work - you will need to experiment with speeds and feeds though.
The Guru