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Star wars

918 opens
188 copies
Brent Bousquet

Project by

Brent Bousquet

General Information

Wanted to make a birthday present for a friend who is a big fan of a certain war that’s in the stars. Its a bit tight in places but still looks good just try to make it as big as you can.

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Michael Wilcox
What kind of bit did you use to cut this?
Michael Wilcox
Brent Bousquet
I used a 1/8" two flute flat nose endmill.
Brent Bousquet
Michael Wilcox
ok i used a tapered mill and it started melting it lol
Michael Wilcox
Brent Bousquet
There are a few big factors to consider when working with acrylic but the biggest I have seen by far is the type of acrylic you use. If you make a thread about it on the forum I would be more than happy to help. I cant give a full comment as they only let you type 300 characters in the comments.
Brent Bousquet
Michael Wilcox
created a forumf or it
Michael Wilcox
Brent Bousquet
What's the link?
Brent Bousquet
Michael Wilcox
alright so i have another question i have made a bunch of these what did you use for a base for this and if you can please email me or post on here the process or easel thing so i can make my self a base please
Michael Wilcox
Brent Bousquet
You will have to give me a bit because I just made it out of some scrap that I had in my shop so I will take some measurements.
Brent Bousquet
Michael Wilcox
ok thats fine i appreciate it.
Michael Wilcox
Michael Wilcox
you ever figure anything out?
Michael Wilcox
Joey Allen
how deep of a cut did you cut?
Joey Allen
Jeff W Fleming
Where did you get the LED strip/holder?
Jeff W Fleming
glenn martonic
for edge lit signs or graphics, look into el cheapo Chinese laser engraver. $300-$400 dollars. a tweek here a tweek there....incredible results
glenn martonic
Matthew Rimbey
Where did you get the LED strip from?
Matthew Rimbey