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342 opens
105 copies
James Johnson

Project by

James Johnson
cassadaga, New York

General Information

A game board that I made for Christmas presents this year. It is a lot of fun to play and even more fun to put the x-carve to work. I will post the rules and what I used to make this project.

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Mike Jaros
It seems that only the center design is opening in Easel.
Mike Jaros
James Johnson
The project is split into different work pieces because I use different bits for each. look at the bottom of easel and it will say "Work pieces for wampem "
James Johnson
danny philie
thank you for sharing new to the x carve. i will give it a shot. thank you
danny philie
Leonard Fowler
How is the game played? The board look really cool but not knowing the game puts me at a disadvantage
Leonard Fowler
Chantal Graham
Hello, this is a very popular game for French Canadians, however, for 4 players it is played with 18 spots, not 20. Is it possible to update?
Chantal Graham