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Wooden Tankard Handle with X-Carve

Stephen Ogle

Project by

Stephen Ogle

General Information

My Wooden Tankards. Skipping the band sawing of my handles and consequently all the filing and sanding associated with band saw marks. I designed my handles in Sketchup and imported them into Easel. I can use copy and paste to cut up to six of these handles at the same time.

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Design your handle in Google Sketchup

Using Sketchup design the shape of your handle. Design only the face. The Push/Pull tool will not be needed.


Export SVG

5 minutes

Select the entire face of your design before export. Using the Sketchup SVG plugin. Export your design to SVG. The Sketchup SVG plugin can be downloaded for free at:


Import to Easel

1 minute

Open Easel and Import your SVG file.


Choose your material

5 minutes

Choose your material and input the dimensions into Easel. X, Y, and Z


Adjust your design

With the design imported you can now use copy and paste to add as many carvings as you need. Use rotate and flip commands to get the most from your material.


Set up your machine in Easel

Set the machine for a 1/8 inch endmill cutting all the way through with tabs to keep the parts secure. Set to cut to the outside of your design outline.


Click Carve

Click the carve button on screen and follow the Easel setup steps. Then the carving begins.


Cut the tabs

Once the carving is complete cut out the tabs and sand to your preference. Your handles are now ready to glue to your cups.