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Y-Axis Support

150 opens
63 copies
Roger Andre

Project by

Roger Andre

General Information

Aluminum support for Y-Axis rails to keep them from flexing.

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Phantomm Fangs
can u make it available please? would love to try this a home.
Phantomm Fangs
Kris Crawford
Me to please. these would be very helpful.
Kris Crawford
Roger Andre
Sure, I thought I had made the project public already. Here is the link to it -
Roger Andre
Kris Crawford
Kris Crawford
Luis Taveras
Luis Taveras
Taran Carl
Other then looks/weight reduction, what is the logic behind the openings in the bracket? Wouldn't it be more rigid to leave the bracket as solid as possible?
Taran Carl
Roger Andre
Openings are purely aesthetic.
Roger Andre