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Pure Tung Oil

A natural, water-resistant finish for wood

Pure Tung Oil
Price Part Number Description
$28.54 8 oz bottle of pure tung oil

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Product Details

This pure tung oil doesn’t contain additives or distillates. It provides a professional finish that penetrates deep into the wood, but doesn’t leave build-up or a glossy surface. The finish is water-resistant and protects against marring. It is Grade 1 Yellow Chinese Tung Oil, the highest quality available. The oil is FDA approved for food contact.

Apply to wood with a clean rag and wait 40 – 90 minutes between coats. It may take up to 30 days to fully cure. It can be diluted with things like turpentine to decrease drying time. Keep the oil in an air-tight container, away from direct sunlight and extreme heat or cold.

Files & Attachments


Pure Tung Oil MSDS.pdf